Hi. I’m Gary Varner.
I spend my time writing, sketching, pondering, and occasionally immersing in nature. Still love to travel when I can, but these days exploration is more into words, insights, and making sense of things, than scenic wonders.
Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little. – Tom Stoppard
I migrated this Substack (select posts) from my previous Ghost-hosted site, lured by the potential for greater community and exposure here. Wanted to launch a hybrid post/newsletter: part original article, part sharing cool stuff I stumble on. Ghost could not (easily) do this, so I packed up the dishes, called the digital movers, and migrated to Substack.
What you’ll find here typically falls within my tag categories of learning, life, nature, poetry, travel, and writing. I now publish Odd Socks here, my alternate-Fridays newsletter with a few articles plus cool bonus sections. Subscribe below to get on the list for the newsletter when it publishes.
Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I enjoy our green springs yet love our rejuvenating and restorative white winters! (Yeah, last part's weird to most people.)
I retired at the end of 2018 to close out a corporate career immersed in writing, publications, graphic design, and inter-company communications. To see what I did once free from the 9-to-5 life, check this out. My latest big project is relaunching my online stationery shop, Notegeist, where I feature curated stationery goods from quality brands at great prices.
I hope you enjoy my writing. If you need to contact me: inkmuser at gmail dot com.
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Curatives for the Soul – part 1 Journaling, part 2 Meditation, part 3 Nature Immersion
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